So after watch some of the news on the Washington, D.C. tea-bag protests I went searching for some clarity. I found this video.
It seems like most of the people protesting here do not even know what they are battling over. They are being feed ideas from overly bias media sources and they just absorb this madness without question.
When the reporter in the clip asked certain individuals what in particular about the President's policy angered them or which of the bills being written were they against, many had no idea how to answer. They are misinformed and therefore ignorant to what it is they are ultimately fighting over.
News casters like Glenn Beck cannot be considered rational people, they are looking for ways to draw in an audience. So, they fill their shows with bitterness and intolerance in order to inspire fear in the hearts of the viewers. This then sets into action the mob effect. These angered citizens spring into action, ready to protest, screaming and shouting for their opinions. Yet, when confronted by facts they are left little more then speechless, questioning what it is they stood for in the first place.