Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A panel from the blog Feministing came to speak on Monday. I had never read anything on their blog before, so their views were relatively new to me. It was interesting to hear what the different panelists had to say; considering each was so different from one another. Their differing backgrounds gave them the ability to view feminism and woman's rights from different angles, which allowed the audience to gain some incite.

One of the girls talked about the way that the conservative ideologies of the community where she grew up shaped her early views of feminists. It was not until college, when she was surrounded by varying ideal, that her opinions began to change. Since then she has worked with feminist organizations.

Another panelist, from BC, spoke about the way the girls of BC view themselves. As compared to the start of freshmen year, recent female graduates of Boston College have lowered self-images; however the male self-image does not change. This supports the fact that men and women are different in the views of society; this campus is just an example of the added pressures on women. I found this fact to be interesting.

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