A blog (a contraction of the term "web log") is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.

This is the wikipedia definition of "blog." When I began blogging I was completely new to the idea. I knew little more than what this definition explains. To be completely honest, the concept of maintaining my own blog seemed a bit beyond my reach.
I had never thought that writing out my thoughts on the Internet was something that I would enjoy doing. I guess I was wrong about that. Through this experience I found that blogging can be fun and even a bit liberating. My blog became an outlet for self expression. If I felt a certain way on a subject I could express these emotions.
Keeping my blog was not always an easy task. I admit I ran into some trouble when trying to add pictures and links, but after working with it a bit, it got easier. It was not always practical to write a blog every week, sometimes I had to skip weeks and double up on others. But all in all it was a good way to keep track of my thoughts on mass media and the different issues I encountered pertaining to this subject. I'm not sure if it is something that I will continue to do, but it was a fun experiment. The sense of accomplishment I felt after I posted a blog was amazing.
When I heard in class that the film makers of the Glocal Scene documentary had found some of our blogs, it was the first time that I realized that my blog was out on the Internet, open to the public. This was a fascinating concept to me. The people that I wrote about could possibly see my views. This helped to completely change what I believed about the way our media system works in relation the the audiences. Before this point I had never thought that the average person could reach other media creators. But now I can see that this is in fact possible.
I find it interesting that you decided to open your blog post on on your experience with a definition. I also find it interesting how we both had similar feelings at the beginning of our blogging experience. It seems we both grew in our own ways. Good luck in your future blogging.